Today I am thankful for sisters that turn into fun aunts. We had a GREAT time going to visit Aunt Rachael! She lives 3 hours away but it was worth the drive. We laughed, talked, shopped, ate, and got crafty. Good times. We love Aunt Sarah and Aunt Melody too...very blessed to have these ladies closer to home.
November 11, 2011
Today I am very thankful for a reliable car....check out the new mileage on this beauty...getting my moneys worth!
(insert a picture of Randy's truck rolling over to 200,000 miles)
I am also very thankful for our veterans! Sacrificing their time, families and lives so that I didn't have to. I am especially thankful to my grandfathers, uncles, and friends who have served in the different branches of the armed services. Your service is very much appreciated.
November 12, 2011
Today I am thankful for my awesome husband! I came home from Rachael's house to a clean house and a homemade lasagna ready to go into the oven. I am very lucky to be married to a great provider, daddy to our girls and pretty incredible cook. Love you Randy!

November 13, 2011
Today I am thankful for the super sweet guy that works with Randy who fixed our computer for FREE...(that's one of the main reasons I haven't posted in a few days)...We tried to pay him but he refused so we are gonna buy him lunch one day this week.... YAY the computer is back and faster than ever!
(ps the issues I have been having with my computer have nothing to do now with it getting fixed. It is now an issue of the operator (me) not being able to post pics for some reason....I will figure it out)
November 14, 2011
Today I am thankful for my sight and my mom's sight. It is something I know I take for granted. Being able to see the fall colors, my babies sweet faces, and Christmas trees...(haha Rachael) My mom has been having some issues with her eyesight lately (but by the grace of God it is looking like her sight will recover) and I been really trying to appreciate things like my senses. You don't realize how blessed you really are until you have something so basic taken away. So this week I am going to really try to soak in every little thing I can see.
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