Thursday, November 17, 2011

30 Days: Day 16

November 16, 2011

Today I am thankful for the skill of sewing. And more than that the grandmother who made sure I knew how. Tonight I sat down at my machine to create a "turkey" onsie (more on that later when I get my pics uploaded), the smell of the sewing machine reminded me of her. I can remember sitting with my Mamma at her old Singer and trying to figure out how exactly she could make pretty much anything. She could make Barbie clothes, baby dolls, bathing suits, Halloween costumes, and everything in between. I was in awe (I still am). She taught me how to read a pattern Bible, how to ease up on my lead foot (or knee depending on which accelerator I was using), and how wind a bobbin. As I worked on my project tonight,  I thought about how alot of women my age don't even know how to sew on a button. It is definitely a lost art. I am so thankful that she took the time to show me how to sew and I am very thankful for all the extra time I spent with her learning. I promised myself tonight that my girls will all know how to least enough to hem a pair of pants...haha...


  1. U are sooo right is a lost art!! wish i knew how..but i never have taken the time to sit down and learn! growing up mom could make ANYTHING and it really is amazing!!! Keep up the great work! :D

  2. I totally agree, Nan!! I just bought a sewing machine earlier this year and spent a weekend with my Grandma learning the basics. I'm not a professional, by any means, but I can hem a pair of pants and do the necessities! haha =)
