Friday, December 30, 2011

Best Of 2011

I thought I would start at the beginning...I heard it was a pretty good place to start....haha...I will try to only post one picture for every month that way it's not such a photobomb.

January 2011

My dad turned 50 this year!

February 2011
My Heart(s)

March 2011

big as a house

April 2011

Carlie Elizabeth Hill
April 17th 2011
8lbs 3oz  21inches
6:26 pm
and just one more...


May 2011

June 2011

Cincinnati Zoo
July 2011
                                           Family Camping Trip

August 2011

June Ann is "oFISHally" 3!

Maddie turned 8 and that ROCKS!!
September 2011

Halloweekend at Lake Rudolph...we love camping!

October 2011

A Hershey Kiss, a Gingerbread Girl, and a Snowman

November 2011
Maddie got Student Of The Week...we ate at Mexico (June Ann's term) to celebrate!
December 2011

The last four pictures were taken by Nickie's Photography.
She captured our family perfectly and my favorite is the feet picture...
It sums each girl up at this moment perfectly!

 I am truly sorry for all the pics at once but it has been a really great year for The Hills and  we can't wait to see what 2012 is holding for us. I will try to post my resolutions in the next couple of days!
                                                                      Happy New Year !!!

I will post tomorrow...promise...

WHERE DID DECEMBER GO???? I have turned around and it is almost completely gone!!! I am shocked. I WILL post some "Best Of 2011" pictures tomorrow and I will try to find some pictures of me because now we are only 2 weeks away from my birthday...blech....but for now I am really busy doing important things like playing Just Dance 3 with June Ann and searching Pintrest for incredible things like this...


How stinking cute is this!!! I have got to get one for Carlie and I have a couple friends having babies that might need these...I am in love!

Will have a post tomorrow....

Thursday, December 1, 2011

End of November...

So I totally slacked off in the last week of November about posting...sorry my days just got crazy! We had a great Thanksgiving it just went by way too fast. We had a wonderful visit with our extended families and found out some FANTASTIC news about my cousin who just found out she is expecting!!! We are so excited for you Lisa!!! The Lord has blessed our family so much this year and is continuing to pour out blessings over us. On a less exciting note, I just realized today that my 30th birthday is coming up rather soon...6 weeks....and I kinda threw up in my mouth. I can't even think about it.  As we enter December, I decided that I am going to try and post "The Best Of 2011." Just some holiday or special pics that happened this year before I started this blog. I am also thinking about scanning in some old pics of me as a countdown to Black Saturday...aka January 14th...aka my 30th birthday. So be ready, they might be pretty hilarious. Also if you want to email any submissions to my photo collection countdown, I will review and possibly post them. But for tonight, I will leave you with a few pictures of what has gone on around here in the last few days. Happy December! 

Happy Turkey Day!

Tree time...tutus are optional

Carlie is mobile now...not quite on all fours but she pull herself anywhere

Thank you Lord for these waffles cinnamon rolls. My new favorite snack!

Rub a dub dub three girls in the tub

Snowflake, our elf, here keeping an eye on the girls to make sure they are being nice

Happy Christmas!

My First Christmas...YAY!!