Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I'm bringing PRETTY back...

A friend of mine from college posted this article today on Facebook and I was immediately intrigued. It's called "The Death Of Pretty." It talks about how girls have lost the desire to be pretty and are obsessed with being hot. I love that this article talks about how "pretty" is a special combination of beauty AND innocence.  As I read this article, my mind shifted to my three beautiful little girls. I am constantly concerned about raising them correctly and with the morals I hope they take from Randy and me. But this article really struck a cord with me. It talks about how they are surrounded by "hot" girls in all aspects of the media. Our culture pushes sexy on them so early. And that the main thing that girls today don't want to portray is being the good girl.  I am amazed at how many of these Disney and Nickelodeon shows talk about boyfriends/girlfriends, first kisses, and who is in love with who. I understand that I can monitor what they watch, read, and listen to but if you take away all of it they become the weird kid who has no idea what people at school are talking about. I would love to find the balance. We go to church and I try to reinforce that they are fearfully and wonderfully made...that their bodies are temples and worth protecting but they are constantly surrounded by girls basically trying "sell" their "real estate." My motto for my girls is going to be "modest is hottest." (I hope they think that is as cute as I do...haha) My hope is that I can teach my girls to be pretty not hot. I want them to find husbands that value how pretty they are inside and out. But above all, I want them to realize the value of their virtue and that is not measured by how many boys think they are hot.
Sorry for sort of rambling on a soapbox today.

photo by Nickie's Photography


  1. Well said little momma!! Love the pic!!

  2. Love it! Modest is hottest! Totally using that! Well said Nan!
